1994학년도 1차 수능 영어 영역 21번 지문 분석 [원문] No living creature, plant or animal, can exist in complete isolation. An animal is bound to depend on other living creatures, ultimately plants, for its food supply ; it must also depend upon the activities of plants for a continued oxygen supply for its respiration. Apart from these two basic relationships, it may be affected directly or indirectly in countles..
1994학년도 1차 수능 영어 영역 20번 지문 분석 [원문] Some writers think that to impress their readers, they have to use a lot of long words and try to sound “intellectual.” This is not so. Most readers prefer to read something that is clear, that they don’t have to struggle with. They went the writer to do the work. If they have to spend time figuring out what the writer means, they’ll get impatient. [분석] 영어 : So..
1994학년도 1차 수능 영어 영역 19번 지문 분석 [원문] There are many situation in which we will do our evaluating silently to ourselves. For example, there may simply be no opportunity to respond aloud, or we may feel that the subject is too sensitive to respond to openly. At other times, however, a spoken response can aid the evaluating process by making us more aware of how we think and what we value. [분석] 영어 : ..
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